Langtree Parish in Devon

Parish news

All the important news stories local to the parish

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0 History Group

Our History Group has had a busy & interesting year.
A number of our long term residents have shared memories of growing up in Langtree or of working here.

They’ve told us how different school and family life was and about community activities also. Many precious memories have been recorded.

Mike has made a few videos of life and nature in the North Devon area which make fascinating viewing.

We’ve had a visit from our honorary New York member, Pat Root who got us started on the Parish churchyard project a few years ago, and we have been involved in research
concerning battles away from the western front during WW1, culminating in the showing of a film on the subject.

We meet on the fourth Wednesday of each month other than August and December, at 7.00 in the leader room of our Parish Hall, you are welcome to join us if these kind of
things would interest you.

Are you aware there is a book about this Parish which tells the story of how we came to be the Parish we are. ‘Langtree Parish History and Memories’ is available for £5.00 from me on 01805 601228 - Margaret Knapman

© 2025 Langtree parish community Devon

Website created by David Gubb / All Coast Media web design and maintained by parish magazine committee.

Every effort is made to keep all information accurate and up to date as possible, if in doubt please do check all information and dates then inform us immediately so we can update accordingly.