Clubs and group - Parish news
All the important news stories local to the parish
0 Langtree Lions Football Club
Keep an eye on the Langtree Lions Facebook page Langtree Lions Football Club, Langtree, United Kingdom Call John Davis on 07576 871385
0 Langtree WI EVENTS - Summer Outing
We are holding our annual Summer Outing to Weston-Super-Mare on Wednesday 15 August. Leaving the Parish Hall Car Park at 9:30am, stopping for coffee en route and being dropped of at the Pier. We are returning at 5pm. Cost for the coach is £18 and half price for Primary School aged or younger children. If you would like to join us please contact Samantha Mills or Nicky Sanders before Sunday evening
0 All Saints Church bell ringers
All Saints Church bell ringers Langtree Bells 1993
0 Butts Meadow Community Garden
The club currently has 25 members. New players are always welcome. The club has 2 or 3 roll-ups a week, and in addition plays competitively in 3 leagues. Full information can be found at
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas. We celebrated at the chapel with a Carol Service on Sunday December 24th. This was a very relaxed service with carols and readings followed by seasonal refreshments in the Sunday School. Our collection for the day was donated to the Freedom Church Social Project in Barnstaple (They provide meals and support for the homeless). As I’m writing this article we are preparing for a United Service with Parkham Chapel. The worship will follow a slightly different format and include some modern songs followed by a bring and share lunch. We now turn our thoughts to Spring and the hope of some better weather and brighter days. In the Church we start preparing for Easter and the hope that this brings. We are holding a series of Lent reflections on Thursday evenings 7:15pm at our meal and Bible study evenings. Please feel free to join us (601350 for further details).I haven’t heard where our Shoeboxes went in December but will keep you posted (I usually get an email at the end of Jan/beginning of Feb to let me know their destination). I am sure they brought much pleasure to their recipients. Thank you once again to everyone who helped in any way. Sunday School continues with crafts, colouring, games and Bible stories. We usually start in the Church at 11am for the Sunday Service and disappear into the Sunday School after the second hymn.(Call me on 601247 for more details). Our service dates for the next three months are as follows (all at 11am):March 4th Roy HarrisMarch 11th United service at Parish ChurchMarch 18th Stuart FullerMarch 25th Rev Rob BlackhallApril 1st David Ley – Sacrament – Easter SundayApril 8th United Service at Parish ChurchApril 15th Jim WoodApril 22nd Local ArrangementApril 29th Dave WatsonMay 6th Rev Rob Blackhall - SacramentMay 13th United Service at Parish ChurchMay 20th Duncan WithallMay 27th United service at Parkham Chapel May God bless you all Cathy Ley
Hobby Group - By Sylvie Smith...We are the "Crafty Women”You’ll find us every week“Crafting” in the Leader roomCome and take a peak.You’d get a happy welcomeWith coffee tea and treatsWhy not bring a friend along?As we have lots of seats!!!!We make assorted itemsHardly any are the same.So why not bring your craft alongAnd start your rise to fame!Hobby Group We meet every Tuesday morning at 10:30am in the Leader room, finishing at 12.30. It’s just £1 a morning which includes tea/coffee and biscuits, and sometimes cake! It’s not all craft of course, I mean, we have lots to discuss after all we have the world to put right!!! Any queries call Sylvie 01805 601485.
Our History Group has had a busy & interesting year.A number of our long term residents have shared memories of growing up in Langtree or of working here. They’ve told us how different school and family life was and about community activities also. Many precious memories have been recorded. Mike has made a few videos of life and nature in the North Devon area which make fascinating viewing. We’ve had a visit from our honorary New York member, Pat Root who got us started on the Parish churchyard project a few years ago, and we have been involved in researchconcerning battles away from the western front during WW1, culminating in the showing of a film on the subject. We meet on the fourth Wednesday of each month other than August and December, at 7.00 in the leader room of our Parish Hall, you are welcome to join us if these kind ofthings would interest you. Are you aware there is a book about this Parish which tells the story of how we came to be the Parish we are. ‘Langtree Parish History and Memories’ is available for £5.00 from me on 01805 601228 - Margaret Knapman
Looking at our programme for this year there seems to be something for everyone. Our membership has grown, and as a consequence new ideas are a plenty! Just taking a peek at the new programme tells us that next month which is February we will be busy crafting with Rose Wooldridge, followed by Food Preservations with BettyDominy. Then in April we have “The Grand Bard of Exeter” Jackie Juno! Later in the year I see we have a taste of Costa Rica and baking Pavlovas and Crème Brulèes. However, before then we have the annual “Group Competition”, this year at Little Torrington. This is a chance to meet the members of all the WI’s in our group. A night welook forward to immensely. All welcome to come along as a visitor £4.00. any month. We meet at the Parish Hall every third Wednesday in the month at 7:30pm.
© 2025 Langtree parish community Devon
Website created by David Gubb / All Coast Media web design and maintained by parish magazine committee.
Every effort is made to keep all information accurate and up to date as possible, if in doubt please do check all information and dates then inform us immediately so we can update accordingly.